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Scott Sims veterinarian
  • Scott Sims (veterinarian) - Wikipedia - Scott Sims DVM (1955 – July 25, 2015) was an American veterinarian and television personality. He is best known for his factual television series Aloha Vet, which aired in 2015. Contents. [hide]. 1 Early life and education; 2 Career; 3 Personal life; 4 References; 5 External links. Early life and education[edit]. Sims was born ...
  • Remembering Dr. Sims - Aloha Vet Article - Nat Geo WILD - We are deeply saddened to share that Dr. Scott Sims of Aloha Vet passed away on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at the Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Long before his show premiered, Dr. Scott was already famous and deeply valued in the hearts of many on the island of Kauai because of his zest for life and selfless compassion for ...
  • A Day in the Life of Dr. Scott Sims | Aloha Vet - YouTube - Mar 26, 2015 ... Dr. Scott Sims' animal practice is anything but your average clinic. In fact, it's completely mobile. From building his own plane to having a clinic kit buil...
  • In Memoriam | Alumni - Aug 30, 2016 ... We are deeply saddened to share that Dr. Scott Sims of Aloha Vet passed away on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at the Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Long before his show premiered, Dr. Scott was already famous and deeply valued in the hearts of many on the island of Kauai because of his zest for life and selfless ...
  • Scott Sims, Television personality, Died at 59 - YouTube - Aug 3, 2015 ... Dead, Scott Sims, Television personality, Dies at 59. Follow us https://www. pinterest.com/historygreatest/history-greatest-people/ https://www.youtube.com/c/ ...
  • Dr. Scott Sims (@AlohaVetDrScott) | Twitter - The latest Tweets from Dr. Scott Sims (@AlohaVetDrScott): "Watch Dr. Scott Sims "Aloha Vet" Memorial at: http://t.co/TcRadmpgtA Aloha, Samantha"
  • Dr. Scott Sims - Scott Sims is the owner of Pegasus Veterinary Clinic located in his home in Kilauea, Hawaii. He cares for a wide variety of animals: horses, dogs, goats, fish, sea turtles, birds, alpaca, etc. The Department of Fish & Wildlife in Hawaii relies on Scott as their veterinarian when animals are injured. Although his clinic is located in ...
  • Meet the island-hopping doctor behind 'Aloha Vet' | MNN - Mother ... - Mar 20, 2015 ... In 'Aloha Vet,' Dr. Scott Sims flies and drives around Hawaii to help all creatures, great and small.
  • Tattle Tails with “Aloha Vet” Dr. Scott Sims | TailsInc.com - Jun 2, 2015 ... The locals call him “The Barefoot Vet.” That's because Dr. Scott Sims, who owns and operates a veterinary clinic on the Hawaiian island of Kauai and is the focus of Nat Geo Wild's Aloha Vet, likes to work shoeless. It's this laid-back attitude, combined with his expertise and passion for all animals—big, small ...
  • Friends of Dr. Scott Sims - Home | Facebook - Friends of Dr. Scott Sims. 292 likes. Sharing Scott Sims, DVM legacy, our heartfelt memories and helping the animals of Kauai. This is the spirit and...
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