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Rachel Reenstra
  • Rachel Reenstra - Wikipedia - Rachel Reenstra (born February 16, 1970) is an American comedian, actress, and celebrity wildlife conservationist from Saugatuck, Michigan. Contents. [hide]. 1 Education; 2 Acting/Hosting; 3 References; 4 External links. Education[edit]. Reenstra is a graduate of Hope College, and holds a Master's degree in spiritual  ...
  • Rachel Reenstra - IMDb - Rachel Reenstra is currently an Emmy-nominated host for the ABC weekend series, The Wildlife Docs (2013) (2013-2016). Formerly, star of the Animal Adventure series on Discovery Channel, Ms. Adventure (2007), and previously host of HGTV's highest-rated series, Designed to Sell (2004) (2008). She continues to make ...
  • Rachel Reenstra – Hosting - Rachel Reenstra's uncompromising passion for animals continues to guide all that she does as an entertainer, philanthropist and animal conservationist. Her extensive experience as an actress, host and comedian lends itself perfectly to the enormous success of her current series, “The Wildlife Docs,” which has already ...
  • Rachel Reenstra Stand-up Comedy - YouTube - Oct 3, 2013 ... A 4 minute snippit from Rachel Reenstra's stand-up comedy tour. This has been edited to just a few minutes because we all know the attention span of the aver...
  • Rachel Reenstra (@Rachelreenstra) | Twitter - The latest Tweets from Rachel Reenstra (@Rachelreenstra). #ABC host# Entertainer #comedian #animal lover #wildlife conservationist #speaker # adventurer #actress#Emmy nominated. Los Angeles.
  • Did Jane Find Her Tarzan? The Call That Changed Her Life ... - Oct 20, 2015 ... As a child, she loved animals. Her mom got her a stuffed animal monkey named Jubilee. She slept with it every night and somehow this little stuffed toy made an impact on the soon to be famous icon. She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to work with real animals, not stuffed toys. But this is back in ...
  • Rachel Reenstra | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia - Rachel Reenstra is the person who voiced the Twi'lek Jedi Aayla Secura in Star Wars: Battlefront...
  • Rachel Reenstra | HuffPost - Rachel Reenstra is the host of ABC's Emmy nominated animal series "The Wildlife Docs." She previously starred in Animal Planet is “Ms. Adventure" where she traveled the world comparing animal and human behavior. Although finding animals to be the smarter of the species, she also has extensive experience with  ...
  • The Wildlife Docs | Litton's Weekend Adventures - The Chimps are Going Kookaburra This Weekend! A cardiologist is called in to consult on a male chimp's annual check-up. Plus, meet a kookaburra and a Tawny frogmouth, two unique Australian bird species. Preview of The Chimps… Continue reading » ...
  • Join Rachel Reenstra and The Wildlife... - The Wildlife Docs - Join Rachel Reenstra and The Wildlife Docs for amazing animal adventures at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay! Only on Litton's Weekend Adventure.
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