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Prince Poppycock
  • Prince Poppycock - Home page of Prince Poppycock, a classical artist from Los Angeles.
  • Prince Poppycock - Wikipedia - John Andrew Quale is an American singer, songwriter, and performer best known by the stage name and persona of Prince Poppycock. Quale, who specializes in musical theater and opera, describes Prince Poppycock on his website as a " roguish operatic dandy." Poppycock came to national attention in 2010 when he  ...
  • America's Got Talent 2010 Audition 3 Prince Poppycock - YouTube - Aug 5, 2010 ... I remember this way too well. He was one of the best acts EVER! There needs to be more acts like his. I can just still remember the day we watched his audition we thought it was just weird, but when he started sing...Wow, just wow.. Read more. Show less. Reply 19 20. Lien Nguyen1 year ago. man the ...
  • Prince Poppycock Official - Home | Facebook - Prince Poppycock Official. 95976 likes · 68 talking about this. www. princepoppycock.com.
  • Prince Poppycock (@PrincePoppycock) | Twitter - The latest Tweets from Prince Poppycock (@PrincePoppycock). Baroque and Roll!. Not Of This Realm.
  • Prince Poppycock | America's Got Talent Wiki | FANDOM powered ... - Prince Poppycock was an opera singer act from Season 5 of America's Got Talent. He finished in...
  • Prince Poppycock w/ Susan Jones | Suquamish Clearwater Casino ... - Come watch Prince Poppycock with Susan Jones at Clearwater Casino and Resort's Beach Rock Lounge February 16, 2017.
  • Prince Poppycock - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre - John Andrew Quale' es un cantante, compositor e intérprete más conocido por el nombre artístico y personaje de Príncipe Poppycock. Quale, que se especializa en teatro musical y ópera, describe el príncipe Poppycock en su página web como un "pícaro ópera dandi.fr_poppycock.cfm Príncipe Poppycock página ...
  • Urban Dictionary: prince poppycock - Prince Poppycock is a Popptastical talent aspiring to entertain with wit and whimsy. His operatic voice is as stunning as his appearance as a dandy from the barocque era with costumes and props that are meant to be fun and sassy. Beginning on our radar on AGT and continuing to perform at venues all around the world to ...
  • Prince Poppycock (Music) - TV Tropes - John Andrew Quale (born May 24, 1978) is a singer/songwriter, and creator of the stage character Prince Poppycock. The act started in 2006 when a friend asked Quale to sing at a nightclub in Los Angeles. The only catch was that he had to wear a wig. Cue Prince Poppycock's wild wig and whiteface makeup. Since then ...
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