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Nic Harcourt
  • Nic Harcourt - Wikipedia - Nic Harcourt (born September 23, 1957) is an English-born American radio and television presenter, producer, and journalist best known as the former Music Director and on-air presenter for the Santa Monica, California-based radio station KCRW. Harcourt hosts the noontime show called KCSN Midday Music Mix with Nic ...
  • Nic Harcourt (@nicharcourt) | Twitter - The latest Tweets from Nic Harcourt (@nicharcourt). Tweets are my words only. SNL's Dad. @TheinfamousKita Klane's manager. AM guy @885KCSN Host # NicHarcourtsTransmissions. V/over. Time traveling, no handbrake. a police phonebox.
  • Nic Harcourt | KCRW - Regarded as the ultimate "tastemaker" in music, Nic Harcourt is the former host of both Morning Becomes Eclectic and the syndicated show Sounds Eclectic. After 10 years as KCRW Music Director, Nic stepped down in 2008 to pursue other opportunities. Still a DJ at KCRW, Nic currently serves as an Editor-at-Large for ...
  • Nic Harcourt - Home | Facebook - Nic Harcourt. 4.3K likes. Official page for all things Nic Harcourt: Kita Klane's manager, Television and Broadcast journalist, Anthropologist & time...
  • Nic Harcourt - IMDb - Nic Harcourt, Music Department: Gone Baby Gone. Regarded as being the ultimate "tastemaker" in music and named the "most influential DJ in America", Nic Harcourt has been an innovator as Music Director at the influential Los Angeles radio station, KCRW, and as host of the highly acclaimed music programs, "Morning ...
  • Nic Harcourt: Nic Harcourt says KCRW 'misrepresented' his departure - Jun 18, 2011 ... Veteran KCRW-FM (89.9) DJ Nic Harcourt said Friday that his abrupt departure from the station this week has nothing to do with focusing his energy on another job he's taken with MTV, as station.
  • National Radio Week: Nic Harcourt & WDST - Aug 15, 2017 ... Nic Harcourt with Kevin Cole. As part of KEXP's National Radio Week coverage, on the KEXP Blog we will be spotlighting some of the stories and personal testimonials given by a variety of radio luminaries in interviews done with KEXP DJs John Richards, Kevin Cole, and Morning Show producer Owen ...
  • WorldArts - Nic Harcourt's Transmissions - WorldArts is proud to present the premiere season of Transmissions, hosted by legendary influencer Nic Harcourt! Our new series will showcase diverse and fabulous artists like Silversun Pickups, Fantastic Negrito, and Lucinda Williams performing on the WorldArts Stage. Each episode features three exclusive & live  ...
  • Music Lust: Recommended Listening for Every Mood, Moment, and ... - Music Lust: Recommended Listening for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason [Nic Harcourt] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The MP3 and iPod revolution have changed forever how people listen to music, but choosing what to listen to next remains the dilemma of music lovers everywhere. As music  ...
  • Interviews - Nic Harcourt | The Way The Music Died | FRONTLINE ... - May 27, 2004 ... Nic Harcourt is music director and host of "Morning Becomes Eclectic" at KCRW, a public radio station in Santa Monica, California. His free-form show is known for showcasing new bands. In this interview, Harcourt explains how difficult it is for a new artist to break through on radio and criticizes the music ...
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