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Lilian Sperling
  • Lillian Sperling - IMDb - Lillian Sperling, Self: Nanny 911. ... Stella Reid, Yvonne Shove, Lillian Sperling, and Deborah Carroll in Nanny 911 ( · 1 photo » ...
  • Sperling - Wikipedia - Sperling is a German and Jewish surname, meaning "sparrow" in German. ... John Sperling, billionaire and University of Phoenix founder; Lilian Sperling, ...
  • Matthias Sperling - Now That We Know - Lilian Baylis Studio ... - Sep 29, 2017 ... What will change, if and when science discovers how our bodies give rise to our minds? Choreographer and performer Matthias Sperling ...
  • Nanny 911 - Wikipedia - Nanny 911 is a reality television show in the United States, which originally aired on FOX On ... the nannies' surprised reactions), whereupon stock footage shows a "call" being made to Nanny 911 where "Head Nanny Lilian" (Lilian Sperling, ...
  • Pikku julmurit – Wikipedia - Ohjelmaan hyväksytyille perheille on tyypillistä lasten suuri määrä. Lastenhoitajina toimivat Lilian Sperling, Deborah Caroll, Stella Reid ja Yvonne Shove.
  • Lillian Sperling - Nanny 911 Characters - ShareTV - Get Info on Lillian Sperling, played by Lillian Sperling on Nanny 911. Lillian Sperling Bio, Photos, Listings, Quotes, Episode Screenshots, ...
  • Nanny 911 - canceled TV shows - TV Series Finale - The nannies include Deborah Carroll, Stella Reid, and Yvonne Finnerty and are given assignments by Lillian Sperling. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in ...
  • Nanny 911 (a Titles & Air Dates Guide) - Fraser Brown as as the butler; Deborah Carroll as as Nanny Deb; Stella Reid as as Nanny Stella; Yvonne Shove as as Nanny Yvonne; Lillian Sperling as as ...
  • Nanny 911 - Reality TV World - ... to Nanny 911 where "Head Nanny Lilian" (Lilian Sperling, featured as "Nanny to the British Royal Family") answers "Nanny 911" (on an old rotary dial phone).
  • Kategori:TV-personligheter – Wikipedia - N. Brian Naylor. P. Spede Pasanen. Q. Faisal Qureshi. S. Lilian Sperling · The Stig. T. Tommy Tabermann. U. Ivan Urgant. W. Anna Wallner · Claudia Winkleman ...
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