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Asie Payton
  • Asie Payton - Wikipedia - Asie Reed Payton (April 12, 1937 – May 19, 1997) was an American blues musician, who lived most of his life in Holly Ridge, Mississippi, in the Mississippi  ...
  • Asie Payton | Fat Possum Records - Asie Payton died of a heart attack on May 19, 1997, in Holly Ridge, Mississippi. It occurred in the early afternoon, while he was driving a tractor in the same fields ...
  • Asie Payton - Worried - Amazon.com Music - Product description. NEW Combo BLUWAVS CD and FLAC FILE. Amazon.com. Worried captures a 10-spot of the visceral Delta blues of the late Asie Payton, ...
  • Asie Payton - YouTube - Jan 18, 2010 ... Asie Payton. From "You See Me Laughin'," a documentary by Mandy Stein about Fat Possum records' artists.
  • Asie Payton – Wikipedia - Asie Payton (* 1937; † 19. Mai 1997) war ein Bluesmusiker, der die meiste Zeit seines Lebens in Holly Ridge, Mississippi im Mississippi-Delta verbrachte.
  • Asie Payton Worried Life - YouTube - Sep 1, 2011 ... I would personally like to know more about this hard working bluesman. Unfortunately all I've been able to figure out about this legend is he ...
  • Asie Payton Discography at Discogs - Complete your Asie Payton record collection. Discover Asie Payton's full discography. Shop new and used Vinyl and CDs.
  • Asie Payton - I Love You - YouTube - Oct 4, 2012 ... mississippi blues from the farmer that fat possum made legendary.
  • Asie Payton on Spotify - Though he was also a bluesman, most of Asie Payton's 60 years were spent as a ... Living in a shotgun shack and working his fields took most of Payton's time, ...
  • Asie Payton - IMDb - Blues musician Asie Payton was born in 1937 in Washington County, Mississippi. Although he sang and played guitar, Asie nonetheless made his living as a ...
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