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Jim Byrnes
  • Jim Byrnes - Legendary Blues Musician - Welcome, mes. Amis ... to my new home on the worldwide web. Jim. "From callow bohemian to weary pilgrim, here's a little of the journey so far. The city streets ...
  • Jim Byrnes (actor) - Wikipedia - James Thomas Kevin "Jim" Byrnes (born September 22, 1948) is an American blues musician, guitarist, and voice actor.
  • Jim Byrnes - IMDb - Born on September 22, 1948, Jim Byrnes grew up in St. Louis, the middle child of a middle class family. He learned to play blues guitar at thirteen years old, and ...
  • Jim Byrnes - Updated 9/12/2010. his music. acting roles. biography. contact us.
  • Jim Byrnes — Wikipédia - Jim Byrnes est un chanteur de blues, guitariste et acteur américain, né le 22 septembre 1948 à Saint-Louis (Missouri). Depuis 1976, il vit à Vancouver, ...
  • Jim Byrnes | Cross Road Blues - YouTube - Aug 30, 2016 ... Juno Award winner Jim Byrnes sings the blues. From a concert the legendary bluesman gave last fall at a CBC Vancouver studio. Honest and ...
  • Jim Byrnes - Jim Byrnes' voice has that quality, and even though he's been winning over audiences with his soulful vocals for more than fifty years now, he's never sung like ...
  • Jim Byrnes - Home | Facebook - Jim Byrnes. 465 likes. “...Byrnes is a veritable national treasure, and if you like the blues you should know about him...”
  • Jim Byrnes – Wikipédia - James Thomas Kevin Byrnes vagy Jim Byrnes (Saint Louis, 1948. szeptember 22 . –) amerikai színész, bluesénekes, gitáros.
  • Jim Byrnes | Biography, Albums, Streaming Links | AllMusic - A treasured actor and blues musician, Jim Byrnes began his love with acting and music when he was still a small child. In college he found acting jobs easily ...
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